Jeroen Koot

Experienced hands-on CEO, COO, or board advisor

Expert in bringing strategic focus, change management, and resolving issues quickly, thus generating cash flow and creating value. A general leader with a strong background in technology, engineering, and operations. Special interest in cleantech, renewable energy, and biofuels.

Beliefs & Values

  • People – If you treat people with respect, you can expect their respect
  • Communication – I believe in clear, open and direct communication
  • Process – Ensure a good and fair process and it will bring the solution
  • Decisions – Good decision are made based on facts and sound analysis
  • Continuous learning – Keep learning and investing in yourself

Passionate about business models and technology

I am passionate about exploring and developing business opportunities where a thorough understanding of technology is important. I love digging deep to understand the specific technology, understand how the market works, and how that translates into a business proposition. During my whole career, I have been involved in developing new technologies: manufacturing processes at first, but more business related later like telephony over CATV, digital solutions, and renewable fuels.

Connecting people for results

I enjoy bringing together different people to bring simple solutions for complex challenges, combining the different disciplines understanding the issues, forcing the decisions and realising an objective.


My interest in technology and creating technical solutions made me choose to study system dynamics and control. Later, I realised that there was more than only engineering, math and models. Therefore, I got my INSEAD MBA to better understand business, finance and how people and organisations work.

I have a Master’s degree (Cum Laude) in Mechanical Engineering from the Control & System Dynamics group of Eindhoven Technical University. A Master in Business Administration from INSEAD, Fontainebleau. And I am particularly interested in the way we govern businesses, therefor I am actively involved with the Governance Academy IN-BOARD – The INSEAD Board initiative.

Family and Hobbies

My family is very important to me. I am married and have three children that left our home and are studying.

Sailing is my passion to clear my mind and relax, and I chase my limits of fitness doing CrossFit