Before my involvement, the German shareholder decided to reallocate production to other international sites and close the site in the Netherlands. Subsequently, the decision was taken and communicated without involvement of unions or works council. In addition, at the time of communication the plant had customer obligations for two more years, so the management team refused to execute the restructuring and the company was left in complete confusion.


I started the process of planning and communication in line with Dutch co-determination law (‘Medezeggenschap’) and involved the unions. Key people co-developed a new plan and we made a detailed agreement with the unions and the works council, allowing for production during the transition period, transitioning of customers and simultaneously allowing for a smooth transition of personnel. All 350 workers were mediated into new positions elsewhere.

The team reallocated plant and equipment to other sites in phases, allowing for a controlled process. During the transition period the original operators qualified for recognised industry certificates and improved their position in the job market. Simultaneously, they trained the operators of the plants receiving the equipment. The highest daily production was made on the last day.


First consultant/mediator, and after 1 month Managing Director, later business develoment in Asia.


Site Klöckner Pentaplast

  • Restructuring
  • Operations